Theresa Kemp

Submissions from EDCI 5065, Gna Garcia, TCPCG Summer 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Week 4 Theory to Practice (in class)

Original Statement:
 "If  a learner needs specific and detailed directions for each task, but does not receive them from the teacher, then the student is forced to look deeper in their own knowledge and establish what they know and do not know which then, encourages the student to brainstorm ideas because every student should have the opportunity to interpret understanding in way that best suits their learning preferences."

If-a learner needs specific and detailed directions for each task, but does not receive them from the teacher

Then- the student is forced to look deeper in their own knowledge and establish what they know and do not know which then encourages the student to brainstorm ideas
Because-every student should have the opportunity to interpret understanding in way that best suits their learning preferences.

Evidence Theory- Howard Gardner suggests that learning is achieved through his notion of multiple intelligences, students learn best according to their own personal learning preferences which are all unique from each another one. 

Contextual data- Order for teachers to allow students the opportunity to explore their own thoughts in their own learning preference, teachers should serve a guide, giving students the tools in order to figure out what their learning preference maybe be.

Moral Implications- When students are given the opportunity to create ideas and concepts in a fashion that best suits the way they learn they ultimately have a better understanding of the material and what is means to them. Overall understanding is achieved and students are able to walk away with something. Howard Gardner stressed the importance of students retaining the information presented to them instead of merely memorizing for sake of assessment. 

Ped. Language- Multiple intelligences, learning preferences, assessments.

Theory to Practice on Case Study

Formulate a theory to practice statement reflecting the relationship between pedagogy and students' self determination.

If students are allowed to explore their abilities to peer educate and even teach the instructor something new, then the students will build upon their abilities to think outside the box and express themselves in based on the knowledge they already know. Vick Davis' concepts of letting the students explore education through mirrors the think/pair/share model of instruction where students are given the chance to think about material presented, compare and contrast with their classmates and share the information they have gathered. The idea of sharing is not limited to their immediate classmates but they are even given the opportunity to interact with students on the other side of the globe. Order for teachers to afford this opportunity they must be willing to give their students the tools needed to understand the concept of self determination. It is important that teacher incorporate activities like the ones in Vicki Davis' classroom in because when students are encouraged to endorse one's actions they are truly being guided through the steps of self determination.

Theory to Practice Statement- End of Class

If learners are made aware of errors present in their work with corrective feedback and ultimately a different presentation of the content, then students are provided with an alternate view of learning. When teachers are aware their is collective problem and then address the issues in order to reiterate the goal of the material, then the teacher is demonstrating her desire for her students to be competent in the material she is presenting. Similar to Howard Gardner thoughts on multiple intelligences, students learn in various ways, and variety is beneficial to addressing the needs of all students.

Theory to Practice Essay

Today's class has essential for most of us. At the start of class we took a further look into a Theory to Practice statement and what it should include. Gna provide each student with a copy one of her own T2P statements and we identified each component of a healthy statement. A statement should include an if statement, a then statement, because, evidence theory, moral implications (level 7), contextual data, event/decision and ped. language. This re-teach of the correct way to write theory to practice statement is beneficial skill to remember when in the classroom for all teaches. Remembering that students abilities change from year to year and class to class will help students who do not grasp the material as students from previous classes did. Teachers who are flexible and use different approaches to learning will address all students.

We viewed a video in class about Vicki and her classroom. Vicki is a tech teacher who uses her class to teach her students about self determination. Her students are allowed to teach other through peer instruction and are also given the opportunity to teach the instructor skills they have acquired during the lesson. The use of Vicki's teaching strategies in classrooms today is essential to creating an environment where students are offered several different strategies to learning. The student in her classroom where also exposed to a classroom in India, broadening their horizons to new and foreign cultures outside of rural Georgia. All of the teaching strategies Vicki used in her video gave students a different outlook compared to traditional methods of learning.

Finally, we shared our presentation on our assigned theorist from last week's class. Each group was given roughly ten minutes to present their unique presentations on the theorist they researched making sure to hit all the important points on the excel spreadsheet. The method of delivering information was extremely useful. Instead of reading about each individual theorist on our own, our classmates were responsible for representing different ways of learning. Some of use used power point presentation, videos and audio voice over techniques in order to instruct our fellow classmates. Incorporating visual and audio presentations into the day really helped rely essential information on the six big theorist and also gave us new strategies to use in our own classrooms.

Theresa's Learning Theories Spread Sheet


  1. Theresa,

    Take a look at the link you posted to your Learning Theories spreadsheet. It appears to be missing the week 4 assignment responses for Siemens, Noddings, and Mitra--maybe you posted an older version?


  2. Theresa,

    Your T2P statements are rich. You are doing an excellent job with your observations and analysis of instructional events; and citing theoretical supports. You are still not getting to the "why" of the moral/ethical implications though.

    Reread your statements then ask yourself out loud, Why do I believe that? Write that answer down. Then do the same thing again w/ the new answer. Keep doing that exercise until your answer gets at a value or belief you hold dear to you and reflects your moral/ethical stance as a teacher related to students' learning. Then you will have achieved the Level-7 statement.

    I know you can do it. Keep pressing!


  3. Thanks Gna,

    Today's class has cleared up the "why" of the moral/ethical implications I did not understand last week. I have updated the spreadsheet. Sorry about that.
